

Datem design and manufacture a wide range of mechanical and electronic systems for use in both the offshore oil & gas and geotechnical markets.



At Datem Ltd, we offer specialised services including but not limited to CPT system servicing, calibration, and repairs, along with bespoke engineering solutions, expert training, and ongoing technical support to meet all your geotechnical project needs.

39 years of experience

Global coverage

85 CPT systems worldwide

Outstanding customer service

Neptune 5000

Neptune 5000

Datem’s easily deployed coiled rod CPT system features a 35kN Push capability, 20m Push distance, real time control and data acquisition with in-built automatic safety cut-outs.

Datem’s coiled rod CPT system features a 35kN Push capability, 20m Push distance, real time control and data acquisition with in-built automatic safety cut-outs.

Datem’s Neptune 5000 is a robust coiled rod Cone Penetration Testing (CPT) system designed for deployment in water depths of up to 3000 meters, making it ideal for the most demanding subsea environments. The advanced coiled rod design allows the Neptune 5000 to be compact and self-contained, enabling deployment from smaller survey vessels where space is limited.

The Neptune 5000 uses Datem’s digital 5cm, 10cm, and T-Bar cones, providing axial load, sleeve friction, pore pressure, dual-axis tilt, and temperature data in real time (selectable up to 20Hz). These features ensure accurate data collection suitable for all subsea soil conditions.

With a push force of up to 35kN and a maximum push distance of 20 meters, the Neptune 5000 is known for its reliability and high performance in deep-sea CPT applications worldwide. The system can operate with a single umbilical for both lifting, deployment, and data transfer, ensuring simplicity and ease of use.

The Neptune control and data acquisition software offers a user-friendly interface, developed based on feedback from industry professionals. Fully customizable job parameters and built-in safety features make the system easy to operate, even in challenging offshore conditions.

By enabling in-situ real-time testing of subsea soil structures, the Neptune 5000 reduces the need for time-consuming soil sample extraction, storage, and analysis, effectively shortening project timelines and lowering operational costs.

The system is also designed for minimal maintenance and low consumable usage, ensuring long-term reliability. As part of our comprehensive support package, customers receive free operator training, with certificates upon completion, along with ongoing fault diagnosis and technical assistance whenever needed.

Key Features

  • 5cm ² Detachable Cone, 10cm² Cone and T-Bar Cone

  • 35kN Push Capability

  • Up to 20m Penetration from Coiled Rod

  • Easily Deployed Compact Sub-Sea Frame

  • Real Time Control and Display

  • Single Coax Connection for Power and Data

  • Automatic Safety Cut-Outs

  • Low Maintenance, Low Consumable Use

  • Easy to Operate Windows™ based PC Control

For more information contact us on +44 (0)1529 419970 or

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